Art + Spirit

Art + Spirit

Merging higher consciousness ideas & good vibes with hands-on creative making

Creating is soulful work; Meaningful, beautiful, essential work. What could be more powerful than the act of Creation itself?
— Jen Cushman

My Art + Spirit workshops combine the techniques of mixed-media art making with the soulfulness of the human spirit.

We gather, play, experiment and learn in an open state of curiosity. Because our minds and hands are busy performing fun tasks, our hearts bloom into creative flow. The frequency of our shared energy, comingling with positive vibes, allows our inherent intuition to come online and glimmer in our neurology. Creativity is our birthright and creation energy is available to us any given moment.

Joy is palpable as we explore and make together while building various types of art work that speaks to our individual aesthetics. Various art genres are open to discovery - collage, jewelry, assemblage, resin and clay.

Art + Spirit workshops will always consist of an art sample created by Jen plus a deeper spiritual inquiry that we’ll use for orientation. From this ground zero point we can feel into the experience of our time together and tap into this intuitive flow. Each maker will bring forth deeply personal works of art that showcase her unique voice and beauty. Just like snowflakes, no two works will look the same.

The stories and conversations during these workshops are unscripted and in divine timing. As a master practitioner of energy movement and healing, I’m guided by Spirit to feel, share, direct, recede, harmonize and collaborate for the benefit of the group.

It is a sacred practice indeed, and one that flows in and out like the breath of life itself. We create together and individually, breathing in possibility and breathing out creation, all while working in harmony with the group’s collective energy.

Words alone cannot capture the feelings from immersing oneself in intuitive art. Art + Spirit is a somatic experience. You feel the crackling, creative energy within you and surrounding you,

Art + Spirit with Jen is a holistic experience and a deep dive into discovering and knowing yourself in new ways. This work is for adventurous souls who feel the call to elevate and grow so they can create transformation in art and life.

A wee bit more…

Throughout her 24 years as an art instructor, Jen has learned that when her students’ conscious minds are busy with a physical task - like making art - their hearts are open to experience the positive imagery, joyful emotions and messages channeled from their higher selves and Spirit.

Our thinking mind often blocks our natural intuitive abilities by interfering with the subtle messages from the unseen realms. People then begin to second guess their intuitive hits and question Spirit’s presence, which stunts the imagination’s fantastic flight into possibility.

The unconscious mind’s imagination is the playground of illumination and joy. It’s easier than you think to tap into your creative bliss, even if you don’t consider yourself an artist or a creative person. Creativity is our birthright and every person can experience their inner artist with a little guidance and practice.

Jen’s Art + Spirit process creates a safe and fun container that allows people’s inherent creativity and imagination to bloom. This gentle unfolding allows divine presence to be felt and deeply experienced.  

Be sure to sign up for Jen’s weekly newsletter to get insider information and be among the first to know about her events.

“Jen has amazing talents and the know-how to bring the worlds of creativity and spirit together into a joyful playground of art and growth.

- Barbara M.

“As an artist I tend to get quite passionate about my projects and sometimes to the point of excess. I told Jen that I have overworked my right hand and that it was painful and slowing my progress completing my client work.

She took my hand in hers and I began to feel the warmth flowing from her hands into mine. Being with Jen always brings down my blood pressure, but this was more specific. After her warming hands and calm words, we parted ways. I have never once had pain in my hand after that.

-Debbie S.

“I just want to say that the retreat was not what I expected, although I really had few expectations because the reason I signed up was just the idea of being away from it all and getting to experience something totally different from my usual life.

I must say it was waaayyyyy more than I expected. Your guidance helped me get in touch with stuff that I had well buried, deep deep inside, some of which I thought I had dealt with but evidently I have more to do.  

The surroundings were soul-filling for me, and it was such a pleasure not to have to think about day-to-day stuff like what to eat! I loved the side trips to the markets and especially the market in Durfort. So many memories!  Thanks for it all..”

-Joann L.