Holistic Healing Sessions

Joy FULL Oracle Card Readings

Bring a question pertaining to an area in your life where you’re seeking guidance and I’ll pull cards from my Joy FULL Deck For Creatives, Healers and Feelers using a spread that is relevant to your situation. With the collaboration of my spirit team, I’ll answer to your questions, illuminate potential new ideas for change and offer energetic support through the wisdom of the cards in co-creation with my intuitive abilities.

The experience is uplifting, inspiring and offers insight into your questions and challenges.

Oracle card readings are fabulous for people who have never had an intuitive reading and are curious to see what it’s all about. They also make great gifts for open-minded friends and family who’re interested in Sprit-led conversations and enjoy looking at life from a different perspective.

My approach to card readings is fun and positive, never fear inducing. Even the “challenging” cards are here to provide information to help you change and improve your life. Remember, you have free will and can always change the energy of anything any reader ever tells you!

We only work in the intention of love and light. You will feel this energy from us in your experience.

Rate $88.00 USD

Empathic Intuitive Reading

Empathic readings are a spiritual deep dive into what’s most on your heart and mind. These are for times when you’re really working out something in your life and just can’t quite see your forest through your trees.

The challenges/questions can focus on career, relationships, love life, wellness or general mind/body/soul alignment.

The approach between the Angel Tarot Readings and the Empathic Intuitive Readings are much different. Tarot readings utilize the Angel Tarot deck in combination with my psychic gifts for clarity and inspiration. Empathic reading require a sustained high frequency open channel with my spirit guides and angels in order for us to delve deeper into the root causes of whatever’s challenging you to activate substantial shifts and healing. Think of empathic readings as supercharged clarity!

Before my spiritual work I always set the intention and tune my energy frequency to the angelic realm. This means there’s a feeling of peace as I hold space for the sacredness of our session as we converse about the important things on your heart and mind. Spirit’s messages are never scary or fear inducing, as they’re Divine energy of love and light. Even if you’re going through challenging times or if the reading brings up any uncomfortable emotions, we know how to guide you toward new ideas, a different perspective or positive changes. Spirit wants you to live your best life and my team is more than welcome to provide guidance when consciously asked for it.

Readings will never interfere with your soul’s growth and development. Sometimes the information you’re seeking is a vital part of your learnings. My spirit team will gently guide you toward shift, but you’re responsible for how you choose to receive, accept and use the wisdom.

At the end of your session you should feel lighter, calmer and have much more clarity than when you began. You will feel seen and heard. You will be more open to hearing new messages and insights from your higher self (soul self) and new synchronicities will occur in the days and weeks following.

My intuitive readings offer a holistic approach and are not a replacement for cognitive behavioral therapy for anyone, particularly for individuals with trauma. They offer spiritual and integrative support which can complement traditional counseling.

Rate: $133.00 USD

Huna Energy Healing Session

Everything is energy! Science has proven with quantum physics that there is a mind/body connection and that all living things are connected to each other and to a vast quantum field by invisible cords. The ancient Hawaiians called these connections “aka cords” and these energetic ties are what allows skilled energy practitioners to flow healing energy from Source to their clients. The tools work the same whether its an in-person session or a distance healing one.

I’ve been a Reiki Master/Teacher for nearly 25 years and in the past two years have completed advanced trainings in Huna, the ancient Hawaiian healing arts. Huna is now my preferred method of energy healing. as I find it immediately shifts the body into receptivity and realignment.

Energy sessions are an effective tool for mind, body and soul but are particularly effective on the physical body as your lifeforce energy - your mana - is activated. This gentle yet powerful healing energy flows through the entire body, pinpoints stuck/sluggish areas, and releases pain and tension.

During relaxation, endorphins flood into the prefrontal cortex of our brain. This signals to our body to activate our parasympathetic nervous system (P for peace) to rest, digest and heal.

Huna, with its soothing all-loving Aloha energy flowing from a skilled practitioner activates our brain’s powerful neurotransmitters to decrease stress hormones and allow our bodies to tap into its own blueprint for good health and natural healing abilities.

Energy healing sessions are part of individual integrative wellness and can be used to support general health maintenance as well as enhance traditional treatment protocols for any ongoing health challenges. This is a “do-with” process, as I am a guide working in harmony with your body’s healing energy systems. I listen to your body’s messages and follow it’s natural energy flow, which is unique to you.

An hour session session is comprised of 45 minutes of energy work and a 15 minute wellness check in to discuss what occurred during our session and to give any message my spirit team wishes to pass along to you, but only if you wish to receive the information. Please let me know when you book if you would like to be on the Zoom during the session or if you wish to simply relax and connect after the session is complete either via Zoom or phone.

Rate $133.00 USD

Emotional Release

Do you have something in your past that you're holding onto that you simply can't let go? Or maybe you have a deep limiting belief embedded in your unconscious mind and it’s causing repetitive self-sabotaging behaviors, making it seem impossible to accomplish that one thing you most want.

It's so common.

Everyone has old hurts, upsets, emotional wounds, etc. from something that's happened in the past that they identify with.

We run our patterns, our lifelong loops, without even consciously recognizing it when it resurfaces. We just know the icky feelings when they bubble up; the recurring pain or hurt or anger and we shove it down again, distracting ourselves from the emotions by diverting our attention elsewhere.

Did you know these old thoughts and feelings surface because your unconscious mind is ready to LET IT GO and that’s a good thing?

These recurring negative emotions from our triggers are our body's way of saying we’re safe and it's time to change.

When we hold onto old emotions of anger, hurt, pain, sadness, shame and guilt because we’re unable to forgive ourselves or others, these negative emotions stay in our bodies and affect our physical, mental and emotional health. It disrupts our body’s natural healing process, as well as our ability to move forward in our lives.

My Energetic Emotional Release method utilizes the powerful ancient Hawaiian healing arts techniques of Ho’oku’u and Ho’oponopono. This 2 to 2.5 hour session is a powerful opportunity to not just heal your heart, but take back control over your energy field and your energetic connections to others so that you can feel more peaceful and centered in yourself and your heart space. You will feel lighter, brighter and more at ease at the end of the session. You will easily let the old gunk go, which will allow your mind to tap into creative new ways of thinking and being.

This session is good for anyone, and it’s particularly beneficial to people experiencing deeper grief, loss, health challenges or upsets that have been lingering for years and years.

Rate: $300.00 USD

Celestial Wisdom Dream Analysis

Have you ever had a weird or crazy dream that’s stayed with you for a long time and you’re curious as to what it means? What about a recurring dream that creates discomfort that you’d like to resolve in order to find some peace or resolution on?

In a Celestial Wisdom Dream Analysis session we will work with your unconscious mind through hypnotherapy by returning to your dream to gather more details and information.

You’ll be disassociated from the dream, which means you’re watching it as if it were a movie. Thus allowing you to pick up many more finer details just as though you were first dreaming the dream rather than attempting to remember it from your awakened state.

I will guide you through an effective and conscious analysis of your dream, which will result in deep insight into your unconscious mind and why it created your dream using the metaphors and symbols it did. Our unconscious minds are amazing! Every single image, sound, smell, sensation means something and, with the right tools and a skilled guide, all of that information is there to provide insight and learnings to the inner workings of your soul. You will be provided with a worksheet and a transcript of the call.

Rate: $88.00 USD

Fast Phobia Release

Have you been suffering for years from an unexplained phobia? Did you know that phobias are created in our unconscious minds, often in childhood and during traumatic events and that we don’t have to live with them for the rest of our lives?

Using techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming, I work with your unconscious mind to release fears and phobias. In less than 30 minutes your phobia will be significantly released and/or completely disappear. The reason why this works so quickly and effectively is that NLP techniques allow us to find the root cause event and then create a disassociation with the event which is then combined with a pattern interrupt of how your mind perceives the problem. This is a scientifically-proven neuroscience tool that works like magic!

Rate $125.00 USD

Illuminate Coaching Discovery Call

If you’ve heard me talk about Mental Emotional Release® and a Breakthrough Session to eliminate limiting beliefs, negative emotions, old traumas and blockages that cause constant self-sabotage and you’re interested in coaching with me as part of my Illuminate Coaching Program, you can book a free discovery call for me to gain insight, ask any questions that are on your mind about it and to see if we would be a good fit. Feel free to send me an email to soulstirmagic@gmail,com or book on my services page.

Note: Discovery Call available ONLY for coaching questions.

Rate: Free for 15 minutes


“Jen is a very gifted Intuitive. She has been working with me and guiding me for the past two years.

I recently had an Energetic Emotional Release session (a combination of NLP/MER and Huna Energy Work) with her and it was powerful.

It is not possible to articulate the full impact of this session but I can say I felt an immediate shift in my energy. I was able to release a painful memory from my past that has been with me for the past 63 years! My 5-year-old child within was able to smile again! This wasn’t just a momentary event, this was a true release.

I want to thank Jen from the bottom of my heart for helping me to heal and grow.

- Kate T.

"I had the incredible opportunity to experience Jen Cushman's exceptional gifts as an intuitive healer through her energy work at Soul Stir Magic. Words cannot adequately express the profound impact she had on me.

Jen's remarkable abilities allowed me to break through internal blocks that had been holding me back. The experience left me feeling lighter, freer, and more aligned with my true self. Her deep understanding and intuitive insights were truly awe-inspiring.

I am eternally grateful to Jen for her transformative work and highly recommend her to anyone seeking healing and personal growth.

- Diana L.